Thursday, September 12, 2013

A happy September day

 You know when you have one of those days when everything is just good? Well today was one of those days. I actually had time to think at work without pulling my hair out and I even got a ride in on Spence! The morning started with a pumpkin bagel from Dunkin Donuts, yummmmm, and a very upbeat athletics department meeting. Then it was on to tackle the lessons for the day. My first lesson had me almost in tears, tears of joy and pride that is! I assigned one of my team members a horse that I knew was going to push her buttons, and he did, but she pushed through her mental breaking point and got some awesome trot work out of him. Through all of his temper tantrums and kicking out she just sat up and worked through it, I could not have been more proud! Next I got to have a lunch date with the Spence man, some days I have to make the decision between eating lunch and riding and today a good ride on Spence beat out lunch.
The rest of the day went smoothly with productive lessons and every single sound horse in the barn got worked, quite the accomplishment! Then I actually got to clean up around the barn and organize everything that has been waiting while I've been running around like a chicken with my head cut off, haha! And...drum roll please...I got to leave work with everything completely done at 5:30! Then I actually got some grocery shopping done and picked up the mail...with no bills! Instead I got my newest Glamour issue and a package from Marissa with the Gabby bracelets I ordered :)
 Marisa's cousin, who is only 7 years old, was recently diagnosed with Leukemia. So Marisa decided to get creative and raise money for Gabby's recovery. The bracelets are adorable and such a great idea! You can find her on facebook to order the bracelets and support Gabby and her family. Or if you happen to live towards the Boston area, you can go visit Marisa at After All Boutique...another wonderful organization that Marisa is involved with! Be sure to visit her on the web(by clicking below) or in person and send lots of prayers up for Gabby!

And I got to end the day with a nice phone conversation with my Omi and Opi, its always nice to catch up with family. So now that I'm all cozied up at home I think I'll make some mini peach pies...I'll be sure to add that recipe next time I update, they are amazing and super simple!!
Love y'all!
Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer.
Romans 12:12

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