Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Getting what you need vs. what you want

I  firmly believe that God gives us what we need even if at times we can't see it. When you sit in those quiet moments and think about the way things in your life have been shaped I think we often find that the moments when we asked for something we really wanted we often received what we really needed, if we just pay attention. I often think about this in ways that pertain to horses; for instance I really wanted a horse when I was younger, little did I know that I really needed Lou pony. Lou and I's paths literally collided when I was 15, I didn't go out horse shopping to find him and while I was secretly wishing for a horse I certainly wasn't looking for one. Lou had perfect timing in my life though and I don't think that was a coincidence. He has taught me to love the imperfections in others, to be patient when you have reached your last strand of patience, to know the limitations of others and work within them and most importantly how to trust and let go. Lou has been the rock in my life as I went through those lovely high school years and boyfriends, moved off to college and then moved all around chasing my dreams in the equine industry. Now he is happily retired and right there when I need a big horsey neck to throw my arms around.
As I continue my adventure of pursuing my equine dreams God continues to give me what I need and not always what I want. God gave me Mike who has always stood beside me pushing me to follow my dreams and giving endless amounts of love and support (truth be told I both wanted and needed Mike in my life.) Then there are the moments at work where I just need a moment/day to boost my confidence or re-energize myself. For instance, we just had our arena redone at Wesleyan and well it took a tad bit longer than planned. So instead of prepping my team for their first show of the semester in our new arena, I was forced to teach in our hilly, slightly rocky pastures on horses that were just coming off of winter break. But right when I thought I would break between the lack of arena and the icky rainy weather, we got a gorgeous perfect MLK day and a thawed out arena for team practice. That day was just what I needed to boost my confidence in the team. This past weekend the western team and I headed up to Greenwood,SC to Lander University for four horse shows during an exceptionally windy and cold weekend. While I, of course, wanted amazing rides from all of them I had to patiently coach them through some tough rides. God, however, gave me what I needed when my new walk/jog/lope rider went in and came out with third place (her personal best all show season!). She drew a pony that she rode amazingly but when another rider in the class had issues with her horse the judge decided to swap the two girls, low and behold my rider got on the new horse and rode like she was actually listening to everything I said this year! That was what I needed, I needed to see that each day and each ride they are improving and that they are listening when I feel like I'm talking to a wall. I needed for everyone to have safe, productive rides that they could learn from and that is exactly what we got.
God also knew I needed a man who would help around the barn...he gave me Mike and our new barn kitten Wesley.
This week I'm prepping the hunt seat team for Georgia Southern on Sunday. While I would love to have everyone out at the barn riding every single horse available, that just won't happen. However, I was able to cram lessons in yesterday before the snow and have both of my novice riders jump; they laid out lovely courses and it was exactly what I needed to see and what they needed to feel. Today I had a forced day off of work due to the snow, I guess I kinda needed this day off as well and Mike needed to see snow for a taste of home. I'm lucky enough to report that Betsy the Blue Explorer got Mike and I safely to the Wesleyan barn to check on all of the ponies and do the noon hay and water shift. Macon looks a bit like a ghost town with everyone hiding inside and off the roads, this made for a very nice drive with no worries! Now we are cozied up with the dogs waiting on our crock pot chicken and dumplings for this evening. I hope y'all are staying warm and safe!
"God is always doing 10,000 things in your life and you may be aware of three of them." -John Piper

Friday, January 17, 2014

Fashion Friday: Equestrian Style

By now some of you may have seen blog posts on other blogs about fashion, I often come across those postings on my Instagram account or while browsing through Pinterest. Sometimes I admire how adorable and put together people can be day in and day out and silently wish that I could do the same, other times I giggle to myself when they call their fashion sense "equestrian inspired." Well I absolutely love my job and my lifestyle but I will let you in on a little secret...the equestrian style isn't always quite so fabulous.
Here is my Fashion Friday update:
My trusty Sperry's that literally get worn everyday paired with my lovely tall socks (I mean what else are you going to wear under actual riding boots?!) plus white socks are just boring
My winter riding breeches (lined with the comfiest fleece ever...its cold here in Georgia ;) ) I have literally had these pants since 10th grade
My denim button down that is monogramed and embroidered with Wesleyan Equestrian topped off with a scarf (I'm addicted to scarves)
And drum roll please....I actually matched my socks to my Izod vest today!! Apparently I was slightly awake while getting dressed this morning
My lovely accessories include: pearl earrings from Mike (every girl needs pearls) and a lovely slobber/dirt/possibly poop stain on my vest
By the end of today's lessons my accessories also included rosy cheeks and a very pink nose from teaching in the lovely wind
I certainly wouldn't trade my life with horses for the world but I just thought that maybe the rest of the world should know what equestrians truly wear everyday on the farm....every once in a while we do pull off a cute day though :) 

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Sweet Southern Love

If you know anything about my dream wedding you'll know that it involves being near,  preferably on, the water but does not include sand. You also know that now that Mike and I live in the South I have become obsessed with the Spanish moss covered oak trees that give Savannah its charm. So drumroll please........we will have both at our wedding!!
Mike and I ventured to Savannah this past Sunday to go wedding scouting and we were welcomed at every site that we went to, and when I say welcomed I mean the people could not have been any nicer. Everyone was so helpful without being down your throat demanding a decision on the spot, this is most likely the only reason I was actually able to make a decision that day...I do not do well with pressure to make an instant decision.
Mike with the Spanish moss at Skidaway Island.
Mike and I wondered down the amazing driveway of Wormsloe Plantation, explored Skidaway Island State Park and found a little slice of Heaven in Isle of Hope. While I absolutely love love love the oak lined driveway of Wormsloe Plantation they are booked solid through our wedding all of our guests will have to be sure to at least drive by and take a peek at the gorgeous driveway while in town. Skidaway Park had the nicest park rangers and have been nothing but helpful but my debate on if the weather will cooperate rages on and I can't pin myself to no back up plan quite yet. Isle of Hope, however, feels like home.
Here is a sneak peek of the view from our reception site.....I'm so so so excited!!
After lots of driving around and pondering (thank you, Mike, for being so patient!) Mike and I made a decision on the reception site and then headed to downtown Savannah for celebratory drinks and a trip to our favorite Candy Kitchen. 
I am so excited to share Savannah with all of our wedding guests! I've already got tons of fun ideas for everyone while they stay in town so I hope y'all are ready for some Southern exploring :) My next order of business will be to get save the dates out! I'd say that Mike's New Year's resolution of "Get married" is in full swing!
Love y'all!

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Polar Vortex and Resolutions

Holy polar vortex! I hope y'all came out of this crazy week without any frostbite. As cold as it was down here in Georgia I know it was even more crazy up north. When temps reach down into the single digits down here people freak out (ok this might include me as well) and apparently even cancel school due to extreme cold. Umm I very clearly remember many days of school when there was actual snow on the ground! Thankfully Mike and I's apartment survived the freeze and Lou and Spence were bundled up in their heavy blankets and equipped with heated water buckets, a perk of having lived up north! The barn at Wesleyan, however, has experienced our share of freezing temp consequences including 6 water line breaks and a frozen solid riding arena. The weather is starting to look a bit brighter though and we should be back up in the 60's by the weekend!!
As promised I will share some of our New Year's resolutions with y'all...after you stare at the adorable panda above though. Too much cuteness!!!
-Usually I make resolutions based on my job but honestly I'm pretty darn happy with my job right now, so my career based resolution is to stop and smell the roses and just be grateful. I mean how exciting is it that I am following my dream and experiencing my first year as head coach?! So I will work on soaking all of that in.
-I will also work on not letting stress take over my life. Last semester showed me that my body can no longer run on crappy food, no sleep and insane amounts of stress. In fact my body was very upset with me for most of the fall...sorry about that! So stress management will be at the top of the priority list along with actually eating adult foods aka not ramen noodles every night. I will also take some time out just for myself; I actually already started on this by forcing myself to go to yoga at 6:30am this week...turns out I love it!
-I will also remember to be more in the moment and unplug. This past Sunday Mike and I ventured out to the Atlanta Zoo and other than snapping pictures I was completely unplugged and it made me realize I need to do that more often. So Sunday Fundays will be unplugged...except for the camera use of the phone:)
When I asked Mike what his resolution is for the year he answered "Get married." So that will be the final resolution, get married!!

Be sure to check back soon as we are venturing to Savannah this weekend for wedding fun!! I love hearing from y'all so be sure to leave a comment if there is an update you just have to have...sometimes I need help getting update ideas flowing.
Love y'all!!

Thursday, January 2, 2014

2013 wrap up

2013 Wrap Up
Can y'all believe another year has gone by already?! That means that Mike and I have officially made it through our first full year in Georgia and goodness gracious are there some highlights from the year.
2013 was certainly a year of on and off wedding planning. I started the year off with a couple of trips to Savannah,Ga and completely fell in love with it. After lots of options and stresses on wedding location, Mike and I came to our final decision of Savannah,Ga and I couldn't be more excited!
Katie has been such an awesome help with everything wedding-wise!!

Spring brought about end of the year award ceremonies, graduation and prep for summer camp. Thankfully summer was very nice to us this year and we didn't have to endure the crazy Georgia heat, although I'm sure we won't be that lucky again. Summer also brought visits with long lost friends and students, southern wedding festivities in Tennessee, a Jersey shore getaway and new job titles for myself and Mike! Phew a lot happened this summer!
2013 Athletic Banquet
I survived 6 weeks of summer least they were adorable campers
Ashley came to visit!!
Gray McCurdy became Mrs. Kephart!!
And Rich and Mandy tied the knot!
At the start of the summer/end of spring Mike started working for Butler Honda and began his adventure in sales. Then at the start of July I officially became head coach of the equestrian teams at Wesleyan College. I'd say it was a pretty big summer for us!
I kicked off the fall semester with a boot camp for returning students and was lucky enough to have a visitor from Whitings Neck join us for the day! It was so great to see a previous student doing so well in her riding. The show season kicked off in September and the insanity of the fall semester began!  
 A small part of our boot camp. I can't believe how much the team has grown since the start of the school year! 
Somewhere in the midst of show season, car sales and life in general Mike and I picked up wedding planning again and I even got to make a trip to Boston to spend time with my parents and some wedding dress shopping. Even though I didn't find the one while in Boston, I did recently buy a dress here in the South!!
To end the show season I hosted a schooling show at Wesleyan and was lucky enough to have Erin fly in for a southern getaway and to help me keep my sanity!
 This year has been such a lesson in learning to really cherish each and every one of our friends and loved ones. Life can be so fleeting and we should enjoy each and every day. Be sure to tell your loved ones that you love them as often as possible! I know that if it weren't for my amazing friends, family and Mike I certainly wouldn't be anywhere close to where I am today and my sanity would have been lost years ago! I love all of you more than you know! With that being said I can't wait to celebrate a new year with all of you and, of course, can't wait to celebrate Mike and I's union in marriage with all of our close friends and family!! 
Remember how I said that Katie has been amazing as wedding help, well she was kind enough to spend the day with Mike and I in Savannah this fall for our engagement pictures and she is currently housing my wedding her!!
To end out the year I was lucky enough to get a couple of days away from work and headed up to DC for some time with the family. Then I headed back to Georgia for a nice quiet Christmas with Mike and the puppies and then rang in the New Year with a late night visit to check on the ponies and the love of my life :)

  Wishing you all a very happy new year! Be sure to check back soon for our resolutions and wedding updates! Things are seriously rolling now...we have a dress, a guestbook and the search for an official venue in Savannah begins with a visit very soon!! 
Love y'all!!

If you are looking for another read be sure to head on over to my cousin Hilary's blog! She is currently visiting Germany and has a knack for making history fun!