Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Hot off the lot

     Sorry we've been a little slow updating the blog this month. Jess has been swamped with work and I've been working late quite a bit as well. Sometimes I think it's just hard for us to sit down and write when all we want to do is unwind from the stresses of daily life. With that being said, today is a little slow on the car lot so I thought I'd take a few minutes to write a quick update that Jess can discover later.
     Work is actually starting to pick up for me. As with acquiring any new skill or starting a new job there's a learning curve and I think I'm finally starting to get a handle on everything. My sales are starting to come a little easier and a little more frequently. Given, I'm working everything that steps on to the lot with a pulse until all my options are exhausted, but that seems to be the nature of sales. You never really know when that overalls wearing old-timer is going to pull up on the lot for the twentieth time, pull $10,000 out of his pocket that's been stored in a coffee can on his fridge for the last few years and be ready to do  business. I've seen it, it happens, and everyone that passed on that customer kicks himself for doing so. Honda is very high on customer satisfaction with their salespeople and as it stands now I'm one of the higher rated salesmen in the building so I feel like I might have a future in the industry. The grind of 60+ hours a week can get to you though, especially when you might only have half of that with actual customer interaction and the rest is cold calling or reading up on the product.
     On a completely other note, Jess and I are excited to be going up to New Jersey next week for my good friend Rich's wedding and to spend a little time with my family. Time off for both of us is hard to come by and we're looking forward to enjoying every minute of it. We've always appreciated our families, one of the many reasons I fell in love with Jess was due to her outlook on not only her family but family in general and what she wants out of our family. The experience of relocating to Georgia has made us appreciate it all the more. Family is precious, it's everything, and we're extremely lucky to be supported by two great ones in our endeavor to make one of our own.

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