Sunday, June 16, 2013

Am I missing something here?

Its been a tad crazy around here with the start of summer...aka summer camp at the barn, Mike's job and Spence's eye treatment journey; so sorry for the lack of updates! The arrival of summer has brought about rises in temperature, humidity and crazy thunderstorms. Honestly though I'm pretty sure the Georgia heat hasn't truly hit us yet; however, the Georgians are already over the heat. Maybe the years of driving around in Maryland and DC heat with no AC in Betsy has prepared me for the heat down here...of course, driving Betsy around down here come July should be fun...ha ha. In order to keep everyone happy I have been getting to the barn by 7am to ride with some of the girls from the team before the campers arrive and then riding a horse or two after the campers leave for the day. I guess we shall see if we all survive the Georgia summer!
On a happier note...Spence got to come home this weekend! He will still be receiving his eye treatments through the implant that the vet put in his eye for the next 2-3 weeks, but at least he is back home and seems fairly content. Dr. Jennifer also gave me the ok to go ahead and put him back into work but I'm a tad bit afraid of his dispenser getting stuck on the reins and popping out...he did after all manage to lose it in his field today (Thank you Mike for finding it and reattaching it to him!!!). As of now his eye is still pretty dark from the blood vessels covering it to attack the fungus but Dr. Jennifer said that he should only have a small scar and should have at least 75% of his vision in that eye. All in all things are going well, I'm just ready for the light at the end of this tunnel.
As of now, Spence's medical bills have put a pause on wedding planning and travels for the summer so if anyone has any money saving ideas for weddings, please feel free to leave a comment! Mike and I are still hoping to have the wedding next summer but are starting to explore all of our options. At this point as long as Mike is there and I can see some body of water, I'll be happy.
Well now that Mike and I have conquered one stress event for the day I'm off to enjoy some Old Bay popcorn and hopefully sunshine and the pool this evening! I hope everyone is enjoying their Father's Day weekend! Happy Father's Day!


  1. Jess, I'm still convinced that Maryland is hotter, more humid, and more disgusting than South Carolina and Georgia! I think that is why we handle the heat better than acutal southerners. Who, by the way, are over the heat in Charleston SC as well. I'm sitting back like "You're kidding right?" Its just getting warmed up in MD. We have rain storms that roll through regularly that keeps the heat down, which I am thankful for because of the horses.

    Keep your head up! You have lots of people behind you, catch you when you fall :)
    -Jess Frye

  2. Thanks Jess! Some days are easier than others to keep my chin up...just keep counting my blessings. And we need to get together when I'm in Charleston in September at the start of the show season!
