Friday, November 30, 2012


The holidays are officially in full swing which means holiday traditions new and old are popping up all over the place. For years my family has been decorating gingerbread houses together, it has become quite the ordeal complete with the houses being displayed at family Christmas and having guests guess which house belongs to each family member. Most of my favorite holiday memories actually stem from the gingerbread house traditions...along with some of the most hilarious. Mike and I decided to continue the gingerbread house tradition down here in Georgia. First of all, hats off to my mother for building those darn houses out of graham crackers every year! One day I hope to be as creative and crafty as my mother, as things stand now my poor children will have plenty of "Mom tried..." stories to tell. So the first hurdle of gingerbread houses was the underestimation of how difficult the construction would be, especially since graham crackers are now sold in itty bitty little squares that need to be frosted together to create walls of any significance. So on night one the houses were finally put together and left to "set up." The next night we ventured into decorating and made a rookie mistake...not enough icing for full decorations! Candy options were a tad scarce as well, not having leftover trick or treat candy certainly makes a difference. So night 2 ended with the decorating of the roofs. Our poor little half decorated houses have been sitting on the breakfast bar waiting for the crazy week to be over...looks like tomorrow will be the final building day. Pictures to follow!
Sunday will also be an exciting day as Mom and Dad are coming to visit for the day! I am so excited to see them and have them see our new life in Georgia!

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