Saturday, October 6, 2012

And so it begins...

Today while officially announcing Mike and I's engagement and our upcoming move to Georgia, I began to think about how many people I truly hope to not loose touch with and then I also remembered that at times I can be awful at finding time in all the craziness to keep in touch and be up to date on everything. So I am going to make it a point to up date this blog on our adventure as often as possible for anyone who may be curious as to what we are up to, I will of course also make it a point to improve myself at keeping in touch with everyone on a personal basis and hope to get lots of updates on how everyone is doing!
I feel as though I should start from the beginning and then everyone will be up to speed...So Mike and I met during our sophomore year in college while being set up on a blind date for military ball at Virginia Tech. The night went great and we began what would be a very long and spotty love story which eventually led us to Baltimore just over a year ago where we had our first "official" date as we call it. A couple months went by and Mike moved down to West Virginia with me and then this past week we went back to Baltimore and relived our first date all over again...complete with a trip to the aquarium, sushi at "our" place and a walk around Inner Harbor with coffee in the end of the date we sat on the docks overlooking the harbor and Mike proposed:)
So along with our love story, Mike has been super supportive of my career and goals in the equestrian world and when I was offered a job as the assistant coach to Wesleyan College's equestrian team he never hesitated in telling me to take it. Along with that job comes a huge move to Macon, Georgia! That means our family of two dogs, two horses and Mike and I are packing up and moving down south in just over a I said let the adventure begin. So far we have found an apartment and booked a moving pod for all of our furniture and non-essentials. Next I need to confirm shipping for the horses and start packing...ugh.
I'll let ya know how we survive the rest of the trip and any fun stories that pop ya'll know we are never without some sort of entertainment in this family. Any tips on moving are always welcome!!

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