Saturday, October 13, 2012

Almost there...yet so far away

First off I have to say a huge thank you to everyone who has loved and supported both myself and Mike over the past year and another huge thank you to everyone who has continued with the support during this transitional time into our new chapter in life, it truly means the world to us. It seems like goodbyes can be the toughest thing to do yet they often remind us of how lucky we are to have so many wonderful people in our lives to say goodbye to or rather "see you soon." Each and every person that has come into my life over the past year has changed me in some way and I hope for the better and I just can't imagine any of them not remaining in my life in some way. Which means the challenge of keep up the blog and stay in touch has officially begun:)
On to other news, the moving pod left on Friday afternoon so all of the heavy lifting type moving is over for the moment. My endless amounts of clothes have been packed up or separated into donation piles and all of Mike and I's odds and ends have been placed in piles to be loaded up tomorrow. After teaching my final lessons tomorrow we will load up the cars and dogs and head down to Blacksburg for the night...thank goodness again for awesome friends who are willing to put us up for the night...then Monday morning we head down to Georgia to pick up the apartment keys. The ponies will be staying in West Virginia until Tuesday and then will head down to Georgia to settle in by Wednesday while I start my first day of work...not sure if I've mentioned that I'm pretty sure I will spontaneously combust at any moment from stress. The moving pod will arrive on Thursday so hopefully we will be all settled in by the weekend for a belated birthday for Mike and our 1 year anniversary on the 21st. Once things settle down and we get the internet up and running I will be sure to update everyone on how things went and get our new contact info out for everyone. Fingers crossed everything goes well!

I absolutely love this song and my mother sent it to me today saying it reminded her of Mike and I which made it that much more special. Thanks Mom!

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