This week brought some very sad news to my alma mater, Virginia Intermont College. While VI's doors will close on July 1st and remain closed there is not a single Cobra out there who will be able to shut out all of their amazing memories of VI. I may have worked my tush off to graduate in 3 years but there isn't a single thing I would go back and change....except to maybe stay for an extra year! VI gave me the knowledge and confidence to go out and pursue my dreams in the equine industry, as well as the backing of a well known and respected program. Just having the name VI on my resume and transcripts has opened so many doors for me that I still gush about the program anytime I'm asked about my college in an interview. The professors and faculty at VI have been a constant source of advice, support and knowledge for all of their students...even after graduation! I know that anytime I'm in a pickle I can pick up the phone and call anyone of the professors in the equine program and get a good solid answer. I cannot thank Eddie, Sue, Heather, Lisa, Lauren and Kristen enough for all of their support both during my time at VI and since graduating.
VI not only shaped me into the horseperson that I am today but into the person that I am in all aspects of life. VI was a place to grow and "find your voice," it was a place that let each of its students pursue their passions and discover new ones, it was a place that let us explore our opinions, change our opinions and voice our opinions. VI certainly taught us how to grow up and protect what you believe. Most importantly VI was home away from home.
Lou pony loved our college years too :)
VI was home away from home and the friends that I made there became my family. The friends I made at VI have become my lifelong friends...and make up most of my bridal party! We've been there for each other through the challenges of college and graduation, through the loss of a classmate and friend, and now through the loss of our alma mater. But no matter what we still have each other and all of our mini reunions at each others' weddings! Please keep all of the amazing faculty, staff and horses in your prayers as they go through this rough transition in VI's history. You can also help support the VI ANRC team through this link ANRC fund. The team has qualified for Nationals and in just 2 days has raised enough money ($5,000) to go! Now the rest of the money raised will go straight to the horses at VI for supplies such as grain, hay and farrier expenses.
Feel free to take a walk down memory lane with me

I'd say we made it out pretty great! Can't wait for more wedding reunions :)
Love y'all!
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