Hello sunshine!! March marks lots of sunny days and the start of festival season here in GA. To kick start the season Mike and I headed to Forsythia Fest two weekends ago to enjoy the sun and some tasty food.
Key lime pie dipped in chocolate and on a stick?! Sounds like the perfect one handed food to me! And yes it was delicious!!
March is also a wonderfully busy month for Mike and I. This past week Mike's parents came to visit for a couple of days and brought down my new travel buddy. Mary Lou the Honda Accord is now officially a Georgia resident and has survived her first adventure with me. Thank you both so so much for all of your love and support! I'm so excited to get to join such a loving family :)
Speaking of Mary Lou's first adventure, Clark came down to escape the northern winter this weekend so we ventured to Zoo Atlanta on Saturday to enjoy the great weather.
Tesla the gorilla was celebrating his 25th birthday this weekend.
And my favorites were out today!! Love the giraffes!
I think the flamingos approved of my cast...and yes that is a monogram on my cast.
It was so great to catch up with Clark and his visit gave me a little piece of home which I have been missing.
This week my mom is heading down to escape the Boston cold and give me some much needed wedding help, so be sure to check in soon for lots of wedding updates! Then I'm off to Florida the next week for recruiting...wish me luck!
Love y'all
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