Holy polar vortex! I hope y'all came out of this crazy week without any frostbite. As cold as it was down here in Georgia I know it was even more crazy up north. When temps reach down into the single digits down here people freak out (ok this might include me as well) and apparently even cancel school due to extreme cold. Umm I very clearly remember many days of school when there was actual snow on the ground! Thankfully Mike and I's apartment survived the freeze and Lou and Spence were bundled up in their heavy blankets and equipped with heated water buckets, a perk of having lived up north! The barn at Wesleyan, however, has experienced our share of freezing temp consequences including 6 water line breaks and a frozen solid riding arena. The weather is starting to look a bit brighter though and we should be back up in the 60's by the weekend!!
As promised I will share some of our New Year's resolutions with y'all...after you stare at the adorable panda above though. Too much cuteness!!!
-Usually I make resolutions based on my job but honestly I'm pretty darn happy with my job right now, so my career based resolution is to stop and smell the roses and just be grateful. I mean how exciting is it that I am following my dream and experiencing my first year as head coach?! So I will work on soaking all of that in.
-I will also work on not letting stress take over my life. Last semester showed me that my body can no longer run on crappy food, no sleep and insane amounts of stress. In fact my body was very upset with me for most of the fall...sorry about that! So stress management will be at the top of the priority list along with actually eating adult foods aka not ramen noodles every night. I will also take some time out just for myself; I actually already started on this by forcing myself to go to yoga at 6:30am this week...turns out I love it!
-I will also remember to be more in the moment and unplug. This past Sunday Mike and I ventured out to the Atlanta Zoo and other than snapping pictures I was completely unplugged and it made me realize I need to do that more often. So Sunday Fundays will be unplugged...except for the camera use of the phone:)
When I asked Mike what his resolution is for the year he answered "Get married." So that will be the final resolution, get married!!
Be sure to check back soon as we are venturing to Savannah this weekend for wedding fun!! I love hearing from y'all so be sure to leave a comment if there is an update you just have to have...sometimes I need help getting update ideas flowing.
Love y'all!!
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