Yep its already back to school down here in the South. The public schools in Bibb County officially started the school year on Monday and the private schools won't be far behind. The international students at Wesleyan move in this weekend, boot camp for the equestrian team starts Monday afternoon and classes start on the 21st; needless to say things are getting super busy! Of course, with back to school comes the endless lists of things to get done and things you need to get through the year. So here is my personal list of things that get me through the coming school year.
1. Patience...Patience...Patience
If I could buy patience by the bucket load, I'd do it! I think any teacher or coach can relate to this, patience runs thin towards the end of the week after a couple of rough lessons but you just have to keep on chuggin' through.
2. Lots of happy, healthy ponies
The past 2 weeks have been filled with vet appointments for all of the beloved Wesleyan horses. All of the horses got annual shots, dental floats, Coggins and any necessary joint injections. Being a program based on donations means we often have a lot of maintenance to keep our horses comfortable in their jobs but when they are such saints we can't really complain! Spence and Lou also got to be a part of the vet marathon. Spence was able to get his eye catheter out and go back to being a normal horse! And Lou pony hopped right on the trailer to head to Wesleyan for the day. Of course, both boys got loved on with baths.

Lou pony Spence man
3. Coffee...lots of coffee
If it weren't for coffee I don't think I'd make it in to work much less through the whole day. And goodness gracious when show season starts (Sept. 28th is our first show!) I will be living off of coffee for all of our road trips.
Apparently Henry is not a morning "person" either and thought I was crazy for being in the arena before breakfast.
4. Comfy Shoes
Being on my feet all day calls for a comfortable shoe soooooo bring on the Sperry Topsiders.
My Sperrys have been put through the ringer over the years but I have yet to find another shoe that I want to stand in all day and still like the way they look. Of course, working at the barn I wear my Sperrys 50% of the time and my tall boots, that I love love love, the other 50% of the time. Sadly my tall boots don't always love me back and at the end of the day my feet scream about it.
5. Support
When it comes down to it I truly could not being living out my dreams in the equine world if it weren't for all of the support I receive everyday from my family, friends, students and amazing fiance. Thank y'all so so much!
Coming home to Mike and the puppies at the end of the day always puts a smile on my face.
6. When all else fails...
A glass of wine fixes the stresses of the day:) That and looking forward to pony kisses in the morning!
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