Thursday, December 20, 2012

Remember to count your blessings

I have been doing a lot of reflecting over the past week, especially after such an awful tragedy in Newton,CT, and honestly I realized that I am living my dream. Back when I was a little girl I'm sure there was nothing I wanted more than to be able to get up every morning and head off to the barn as my job. As soon as I sat on a horse for the first time, probably about age 7 when Aunt Patti took me out to the barn, I never stopped asking for riding lessons and a pony. Once I got riding lessons it was all downhill from there. I remember skipping around in my riding pants and tall boots and telling my parents that I would be so happy if I got to wear my riding clothes everyday. Then at age 15 I was blessed with Lou pony and the dinner discussions about college began. After quite a lot of differing opinions about my majoring in Equine Studies I chose Virginia Intermont and headed out on my path towards happiness. During that time I remember my dad looking at me and saying "Do what makes you happy, then you'll never work a day in your life." In that moment I knew I was doing the right thing and never looked back.
There are days when the work load seems impossible, everything goes wrong, feet get stomped on, you can't get a darn thing out of your horse undersaddle and burnout seems unavoidable. However, when I have those moments I think back to my younger self who would most certainly look at me today and say "Oh my gosh your job is awesome! You get to hang out with horses everyday, ride and teach plus you have two horses!" And you know what younger me would be totally right, I have an amazing job, two loveable horses, two goofy dogs and an amazingly supportive fiance. I am so lucky!
While I was reading some of the news reports after the shooting at Sandy Hook one story really stuck to me. On that day a little girl named Jessica was taken away from her family. Her parents shared that their daughter loved horses and was going to receive cowgirl boots for Christmas. She had also been promised a pony when she turned 10. Her parents have vowed to live each day to the fullest in memory of their daughter. This past week every time I got on a horse she ran across my mind, a sweetly sad reminder of how lucky I am to do what I love everyday. It is so easy to get stuck in what we wish we had or what could be better but especially now it is so much more important to look at what we already have and see what we are so blessed with. Remembering to reach out to others even in the simplest ways is also so much a part of this time of year and we should all strive to do so throughout the year. In the wake of the Sandy Hook tragedy a boutique by the name of Mosh Posh in Tampa,Fl created a teddy bear drive for the children of Sandy Hook that are dealing with the sadness around them. Such a simple idea that will bring some form of comfort to these children. Mike and I sent a teddy bear from Georgia to Florida and this weekend the teddy will make the journey up to Newton where we hope he brings a sense of comfort to a child who needs a teddy bear to hug.

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