Sunday, October 28, 2012

Breezy days in Georgia...hiding from Sandy

First off I have to apologize for the awful grammar in my last post...there literally was a huge cockroach coming down the wall of Starbucks towards me and I was completely distracted and terrified as a result.

While all of our friends and family up north prepare for hurricane Sandy to make landfall tomorrow, we have experienced our first real fall day in Georgia. Just the other day Mike and I were joking because he was telling me that the high on Friday would be 84 and that same afternoon Courtenay and I pulled out the horses' sheets for the did in fact go from 84 on Friday to 64 today with a low of 39 tonight. We really can't complain about the weather so far but we are keeping everyone up north and on the coast in our prayers as this crazy storm comes in, please stay safe!
In an effort to "explore" Macon we ventured out to Tobesofkee park today for a walk around the lake and to take in some of the fall colors...the park employees looked at us like we were crazy, apparently it was too cold today for the rest of Macon to go outside! After our small adventure we went out to the barn to tuck all of the ponies in with their blankets and then headed off for grocery shopping...and I actually knew someone at the store, maybe we are starting to settle in a little bit here.
This past week at work finally started to feel like I was part of the college and part of the routine. I have now taken over the HPE (gym credit) classes and the lessons with our walk/trot team members. I also made my first blonde mistake this week by sending Mike's resume to the dean of the college instead of mine, thankfully everyone down here is so super sweet that we ended up having a conversation about Mike going into the police force. Thank you southern hospitality! Spence and Lou have also been settling in, in fact it seems like they have lived here all their lives. Lou pony was happy for a grooming visit on Sunday and will be moving soon to be closer to Mike and I here in Macon...I am quite ready to be able to see him more often. Spence has been trying his best to fill in Lou's absence and has been spectacular under saddle this week. He even dealt with children on bicycles the other day without so much as a blink of the eye. I really am so lucky to have such great horses and people in my life that have allowed me to get to this point in my life.

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